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Craniosacral Therapy

CST is a light touch approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. It releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction, and improve health and whole body function. The stresses and strains with daily life are absorbed within the body. There is only so much tension the body can handle before the tissues begin to tighten, and potentially affect the brain and spinal cord. Unfortunately, this can compromise the function of the central nervous system and nearly every other system in your body. CST releases those tensions to allow the entire body to relax and self correct.


By freeing the central nervous system to perform at its best, CST has been shown to naturally reduce pain and stress, strengthen your resistance to disease and enhance health and well being. And because it is so gentle, CST has been shown to be effective for all ages, from new borns to elders. 


CST has shown to help full spectrum of pain and dysfunctions including orthopedic problems, chronic neck and back pain, stress and tension related disorders, spinal cord injuries, migraines and headaches, infant and childhood disorders, post concussion symptoms, TMJ syndrome, scoliosis, central nervous system disorders, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, post traumatic stress disorder, and many more.


Somato-Emotional Release : It is a therapeutic process designed to rid your mind and body of the residual effects of past injuries and negative experiences which are stored as energy cysts within the cellular memory of the body. The concept of energy cyst was developed by Dr. Upledger and Dr. Zvi Karni and their work together over 3 years. The physical forces that were put into patient's body at the time of an accident or injury may be dealt with by that patient's body in one of the two ways :

1.The injured body may immediately begin dissipating these forces and the natural healing process will follow.

2. The physical forces imposed upon the patient's body may be retained rather than dissipated.


During the therapeutic session, the release of the energy cyst frequently results in some re-experiencing of the pain, fear, anger, etc. that was attendant with the original incident, as well as other details that may have been long forgotten. This re-experiencing of aspects of the original injury is a very good sign that the treatment is releasing some or part of the retained problem. When this type of experience occurs, a patient should not try to suppress the pain or emotion, rather with the support of the therapist they should allow the experience to unfold and move naturally towards a healing resolution.


 Visceral manipulation

  Viscera relates to the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, kidneys and intestines. VM is a gentle manual therapy technique that aids your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. VM does not solely focus on the site of pain or dysfunction, but evaluates the entire body to find the source of the problem. Underneath the pain or diagnosis is a compensatory pattern created in the body with the initial source of the dysfunction often being far away from where the pain is felt. Because of this, the practitioner searches for this pattern and the source, and treats the related tissues. the treatment is a gentle compression, mobilization and elongation of the soft tissues. As the source of the problem is released, the symptoms will start to decrease. 


The conditions that are treated with VM are : whiplash and seat belt injuries, carpal tunnel, digestive disorders, acid reflux, post operative scar tissue pain, swallowing dysfunctions, women's and men's health issues, chronic pelvic pain, fibroids and cysts, pediatric health issues, colic, anxiety and depression, and many more.

Functional Manual Therapy

FMT is based on the principle of regaining functional efficiency by integrating the following three pillars : 

Mechanical capacity (the quality and exploration of movement and ability to achieve functional postures. This includes mobility in the muscles, joints, ligaments, viscera, nerves, vascular and lymphatic system.)

Neuromuscular function (ability of the body to sequence the initiation of the core muscles to fire for stability and phasic muscles for mobility with proper strength and endurance for the given task.)

Motor control (ability for the body to assume, maintain, modify and control voluntary movement patterns and postures.)


Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) : This is a manual technique that is used in FMT to retrain the lost connection between the muscles, nerves and brain because of the compensatory patterns or injuries.

 Proprioceptive : Stimuli produced within the body by movement of its tissues eg : the sensory receptors are stimulated with any muscle movement.

Neuromuscular : The ability of the muscles to have appropriate initiation, strength and endurance.

Facilitation : Increase ease of performance of any action, resulting from the lessening of nerve resistance by the continued successive application of the necessary stimulus (webster)


Core First Strategies : It is a progression of training patients to assume an efficient posture with helping them integrate five principles of CFS :

1. Base of support : Foundation that accepts all body weight and supports the whole body.

2. Alignment : stacking the entire spine one above the other so the weight distribution through the system goes between the feet.

3. Automatic core engagement : It should be present in both protective and reactive responses to a change in the external environment eg stepping in a hole or being bumped by someone as well as during all intentional movements.

4. Weight shift : transfer of weight between one point in base to another.

5. Weight acceptance : Transition that occurs with a complete weight shift into fully accepting the weight in to the base of support. (Vicky Saliba Johnson, IPA)





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